“Made in Poland”: a comparison of solutions to encrypt documents and sensitive information

2 July 2020

Encryption is one of the basic security standards. It is widely available, and easy to use. In the context of GDPR, compliance with the rules applies to anyone who processes personal data. This includes the largest private and public organizations such as banks, public utilities, and websites that are managed by people who are self-employed. We can then formulate a conviction that the need to ensure the protection of personal data takes place wherever they are. For this reason, we want to introduce you the Polish technical solutions in the area of encryption without reaching for software from abroad.

In the report you will find information such as:

  • Why it is worth to encrypt?
  • Who is encryption important for?
  • When encryption is not effective?
  • A particular example and explanation of encryption based on asymmetric cryptography.
  • How to protect a private key and password to encrypting application?
  • How to encrypt files using polish software: Cypherdog, Specfile, and Netia Data Safe?


We have asked producer representatives for an expert comment:

Przemysław Kucharzewski​

Cypherdog (VP Sales)

Katarzyna Abramowicz

President of Specfile Project

Jakub Sawicki

Product Manager, Area of Cybersecurity from Netia

The study contains a number of important information from a collaborative perspective in small and medium sized companies. In addition, we have compared many features that make it easier to use an application, e.g., planning group work, sharing files, chat with co-workers, managing files by administrators. We have also included information useful for each IT department manager: Has a product undergone a security audit, how encryption is performed, where encryption keys are stored, and is it possible to implement many computers.

We encourage you to read the report “Made in Poland”: a comparison of solutions to encrypt documents and sensitive information” that describes developer solutions: Cypherdog, Specfile, Netia.

The information in our study have been discussed in collaboration with engineers of each producer. At this difficult time, it is worth supporting Polish entrepreneurs and promoting local, and most importantly, good solutions that enable secure and confidential group work for a wide range of economic activities.


The report on file encryption and communications

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