AVLab among the leaders of trusted testing laboratories in Europe and worldwide (summary of the whole 2021)

21 February 2022

In December 2021, AV-Comparatives, the most recognized testing laboratory in the world, asked its readers in a survey to evaluate the last twelve months of their cybersecurity activity. In one of the questions it was required to issue an opinion on known research institutes that through their work contribute to the improvement of personal and corporate digital security.

Respondents were actually enthusiasts, amateurs, and professionals that are interested in online security.

From December 9th to December 23th of 2021, 2483 users evaluated eight testing companies. The following laboratories were qualified:

  • AV-Comparatives
  • AV-Test
  • CheckLab (AVLab)
  • ICSA Labs
  • MITRE Engenuity
  • MRG Effitas
  • SE Labs
  • Virus Bulletin

Points from “-2” to “+2” have been awarded to each organization, where “+2” means maximum reliability, and “-2” bias.

As the smallest organization from Poland, we received enough point to be placed in third place among the most popular, trusted, and respected companies in the world in the industry of protection test.

avlab ranking testing labs
Trust in testing laboratories in the world based on the popularity.

Summary of 2021: AVLab among the most famous laboratories in the world

We received 0,9 points from the user community. This is an increase of 1/3 as compared to 2020 because then we got 0,6 points. We beat the British MRG Effitas in the ranking of the most valued laboratories which is a great achievement.

The summary of the whole 2021 revealed that in each category we are ranked higher than last year, moving up by one place in awareness from users on each continent.

In terms of recognition, we are in fourth place ahead of MRG Effitas, narrowing losing to Virus Bulletin (we achieved a 12% increase compared to the previous year).

AVLab among the leaders of trusted testing laboratories.
AVLab among the leaders of trusted testing laboratories.

In addition, we have the fourth place in Europe, North America (USA and Canada), and Asia. We achieved the third place in Central and South America. It is worth noting that only 1,4% of users were surveyed in Poland which is confirmation that our tests and awareness of the AVLab brand are becoming increasingly significant.

Companies that do not keep with the competition were excluded from the study. The reasons were varied:

  • poor global recognition,
  • less than 75% of respondents did not vote for such company at all,
  • no website update,
  • and also the lack of new studies and tests.

On behalf of the whole team of the “AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation”, we thank AV-Comparatives for preparing the survey and results. We would like to thank our readers from all over the world for their trust and interest in our tests!

In 2022, we are not slowing down, and we will certainly publish more comparisons of security solutions.

  • Detailed information from the survey are available at this website.
  • Results of the survey from the last year.
  • Methods for testing and how the AVLab laboratory is built, we describe here.

Thank you for your trust!

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