In December 2022, AV-Comparatives, the most recognized testing laboratory in the world, asked its readers in a survey to evaluate the last twelve months of their cybersecurity activity. In one of the questions it was required to issue an opinion on known testing institutes that through their work contribute to the improvement of personal and corporate digital security.
AVLab among the leaders that build trust in tests
Respondents were actually enthusiasts, amateurs, and professionals that are interested in online security. They evaluated 8 laboratories that carry out tests of products and IT services by awarding points from “-2” to “+2” where “+2” means a maximum reliability, and “-2” a bias.
AVLab as a small organization from Poland was ranked 3rd among the most valued companies from software testing industry in the world, and respectively 4th in the category of popularity of well-known testing laboratories.
Last year’s summary is optimistic because users appreciate our work, investing in transparency and methodology, and sharing very detailed results from our tests with the community.

Popularity of testing laboratory in the world
In the previous edition of the same survey (in 2021) we took 4th place among the leaders of the most popular laboratories in Europe. In this year’s summary of 2022, we take a higher place gaining a greater reputation and trust, not only in Europe, but also in both Americas and Asia.

We have been assessed, and take 4th place in Europe, Asia, and both Americas. It is worth noting that only 1,4% of users surveyed come from Poland. That confirms that the AVLab brand is increasingly recognized internationally. AVLab has existed since January 2012. In this regard, we are no match AV-Comparatives founded in 1999, as well as AV-Test established in 2004.
We thank AV-Comparatives for preparing the survey and results. We would like to thank our readers from all over the world for their trust, feedback on tests, and interest in our work. This year we also do not let go, and we will certainly publish further comparison, not only security products.
- Detailed information from the survey are available at this website.
- How we test and how our laboratory is built we describe in this article.
- Our technical publications are available in the category: Tests.
- You can read more about the key and long-term Advanced In The Wild Malware Test at our English website.
- User who are interested in tests should definitely take a look at articles about and