We join AMTSO: an international group of experts and developers of cybersecurity solutions

18 April 2023

We have joined a global group of independent experts, software developers and testing organizations, such as: AV-Test, AV-Comparatives, MRG Effitas, Virus Bulletin. From March 2023, as part of the multicultural and multilingual working group of Anti-Malware Testing Standards Organization (AMTSO), we will participate in the work of the international non-profit association to improve the transparency, objectivity, and quality of tests of antivirus software (and not only antivirus).

At AMTSO (https://www.amtso.org/) we act as a Participant and Tester. Both ranks are characterized by different duties. Our main goal is to work towards a better perception of the testing industry and to set the direction in which the AMTSO organization will go. As a Tester, we obtain a number of substantive, technical, and marketing benefits related to testing. Among other things, we get access to AMTSO know-how, so that our test’s methodology is better standardized.

Standardization of tests. What does that mean?

We met the technical aspects related to testing before joining AMTSO. The organization does not define a framework because each testing laboratory develops its own methods of carrying out tests. The tester has full freedom in terms of building technical backend: tools, systems, and applications used to collect telemetry data from tests.

We must note that Testers are required to record detailed telemetry information from tests, as this is necessary to help developers fix bugs and improve the technological process, and also to have the necessary evidence to confirm the result of the attack.

In addition to membership and commitment towards improvement of testing standards, we had to present a detailed plan for the A-Z testing procedure, starting with:

  • how we select products for testing,
  • how they are set up
  • how we select attacks and malware for testing,
  • what is included in the scope of sharing logs with developers,
  • how we resolve disputes between the developer and the tester,
  • how tests are financed.

All this is needed to dispel any doubts about how each testing laboratory proceeds.

For our part, we can promise that even though we met the technical requirements before joining AMTSO, we will continue to improve our tools, applications for test automation, and technical feedback with developers to provide them with the fastest and the best possible help in improving antivirus software.

International testing standards

The methodology of the Advanced In The Wild Malware Test has been updated with the policies required by AMTSO. The implemented changes will help developers to better understand our way of testing, and will confirm that we carry out tests in accordance with international guidelines.

All readers of our tests, regardless of their technical knowledge and role in cybersecurity industry, will be sure that our tests comply with AMTSO good practices, and are respected by developers of cybersecurity solutions. In addition, we hope that joining the AMTSO will contribute to better recognition of the AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation brand abroad, and building public trust in our cybersecurity services.

This is not required by AMTSO, but we maintain a changelog of our infrastructure to be even more transparent for community and developers. Our tests are characterized by exceptional transparency. This means that we publish more test telemetry data than required by AMTSO, and more than any testing organization.

About AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation

We have been active in the software testing industry to provide our Readers with the latest information about security products since 2012. It is thanks to the tests and distinctive transparency of tests, we rank 3rd in the world in terms of public trust in tests – so decided the community from around the world in a survey conducted by one of the members of AMTSO, the Austrian laboratory AV-Comparatives.

We are glad that we can contribute to the international group of experts from the cybersecurity industry. Together, we will build a better and safer Internet for the entire community. We do this by verifying security and improving software in cooperation with developers.

Thanks to the high transparency and implementation of better testing standards, we want to build long-term relationships with users, gaining public trust. In return, we offer public verification and identifying the best solutions to protect endpoints against successive generations of cyberattacks.

Our motto is – “First transparency. Then trust.” Let us stick to that.

Adrian Ścibor, Founder of AVLab Cybersecurity Foundation.

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