Product Of The Year 2024 – Recommended solutions for securing Windows

29 March 2024

Advanced In-The-Wild Malware Test Summary

The purpose of this summary is to reward those developers whose software in 2023 participated in tests initiated by the AVLab Foundation for Cybersecurity. The special Product of the Year 2024 award is a good opportunity to encourage people in IT managerial positions, heads of technology and security, whose role is to implement appropriate standards and procedures to ensure digital security using the best solutions.

When preparing the annual summary, we want to award developers in two categories. In the first one, we award the Product of the Year 2024 certificate which confirms the extremely good protection of the Windows operating system in a comprehensive perspective. Namely, we verify solutions in this series of tests on malware originating from the Internet on the default settings or with additional security features enabled, if in our opinion they should be activated.

Another distinction is the TOP Remediation Time certificate awarded for the quick response to malware that gets into the operating system in a simulated way and it is run in it. With this aspect in mind, the Advanced In-The-Wild Malware Test is very rigorous as it shows the true characteristics of the tested protection product against real threats that break into computers through spam, messengers or websites. The TOP Remediation Time award reflects the fast response time to malware by completely neutralizing the entire “lifecycle” of malware from the moment when the sample enters the operating system to the removal of malicious activity.


Award criteria

Product of the Year 2024 and TOP Remediation Time

In order to obtain the certificate confirming the comprehensive effectiveness of protection, as well as quick and complete neutralization of the malware lifecycle , the tested solution had to meet certain requirements:

  1. Participate in at least 3 editions of the Advanced In-The-Wild Malware Test.
  1. Get at least 3 Excellent certificates (blocking 99% of in-the-wild malware).
  1. Additionally, in order to receive the TOP Remediation Time certificate, the software had to neutralize all threats in the editions of the test which it participated in. If the solution has participated more than three times, we considered three best results of the Remediation Time indicator.
Award „Product of The Year 2024”

A summary of the Advanced in-the-wild malware test

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